CMAGIC draft

From: Ariel Goobar (
Date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 02:46:35 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Conley: "Re: CMAGIC draft"

    Hi Alex,

    I am reading with great interest your documentation on the CMAGIC
    analysis. I
    think it is a really nice piece of work. There are a few questions that
    I have
    right now, maybe I'll have more by the end of the week.

    1) As I understand it, you correct for MW extinction. Have you
        the idea of using the "known" MW extinction for tests the CMAGIC
        versus the standard analysis? Eg, one could perhaps look for what the
        MW dust does to the low-z dispersion in both methods and thus check
        that the lower sensitivity to extinction for CMAGIC holds. Maybe this
        could be extended to the best measured high-z SNe.

    2) It does seem a bit awkward that you are very systematic about your
    data cuts
        but yet make "case by case" decisions about what kind of LC-fits you
        use (i.e B&V together or fitted separately). Especially, as you point
        out, the "choice" will not work the same way for low and high-z
        fits. I suggest you stick to one strategy for all lightcurves
        and estimate the associated systematic error based on what you would
        have found if you would have taken the "other" track. I am sure you
        have considered this. Why did you decide not to?

    3) The two populations in the high-z residuals seem like a real concern
        to me. If the explanation has indeed to do with host galaxy
        (as I think you advocate), shouldn't you be able to see hints of
    that in
        the residual dispersion in CMAG vs standard, i.e from graphs like in
        Fig 31 in your method doc? I guess additional tests could be provided
        with simulations as in Commins et al.

    4) Have you considered quantifying the bias from possible intergalactic
        If you want, I can help you with synthetic data sets.


    Ariel Goobar (
    Department of Physics, Stockholm University
    AlbaNova University Center, SE-106 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN
    tel: +46 8 55378659 fax: +46 8 55378601

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