Re: Comments on your CMAGIC draft - 16/08/2004

From: Chris Lidman (
Date: Tue Aug 24 2004 - 10:32:46 PDT

  • Next message: Ariel Goobar: "CMAGIC draft"

    Hi Alex,
       Thanks for the clarification. Your original e-mail was clear enough.
    I just misread it.

    Cheers, Chris.

    On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 13:06, Alexander Conley wrote:
    > Hi Chris,
    > Sorry if I wasn't clear, but the B and V observations aren't from
    > different dates -- they are always within 0.1 rest frame days of each
    > other, and frequently even less. The color evolution over a span of
    > 0.1
    > days is way below my measurement errors.
    > If I were ever to combine observations from different dates then it
    > would be necessary to do some sort of study of how well CMAGIC
    > works under such circumstances, or try to figure out how to apply
    > a correction to B-V. If we ever want to perform CMAGIC with the
    > ACS data that we have been obtaining recently, we will have to
    > think about this. There is certainly no a priori reason why it can't
    > be done -- it just needs to be thought about carefully.
    > However, for THIS data sample, this makes no difference. I don't
    > gain a single additional B-V point for any SN unless I am willing to
    > combine points that are more than 7 days away from each other,
    > and even then it only helps a very small number of SNe. I thought
    > that 7 rest frame days was definitely pushing it a little, so I didn't
    > perform the combination.
    > Alex
    > On Aug 24, 2004, at 6:36 AM, Chris Lidman wrote:
    >> Hi Alex,
    >> Thanks for the quick reply. As a follow up question, do you correct
    >> the measured B-V colour in some way, since the B- and
    >> V-band observations are taken at different dates?
    >> Cheers, Chris.

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