Re: Comments on your CMAGIC draft - 16/08/2004

From: Alexander Conley (
Date: Tue Aug 24 2004 - 10:06:45 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: Comments on your CMAGIC draft - 16/08/2004"

    Hi Chris,

       Sorry if I wasn't clear, but the B and V observations aren't from
    different dates -- they are always within 0.1 rest frame days of each
    other, and frequently even less. The color evolution over a span of 0.1
    days is way below my measurement errors.

    If I were ever to combine observations from different dates then it
    would be necessary to do some sort of study of how well CMAGIC
    works under such circumstances, or try to figure out how to apply
    a correction to B-V. If we ever want to perform CMAGIC with the
    ACS data that we have been obtaining recently, we will have to
    think about this. There is certainly no a priori reason why it can't
    be done -- it just needs to be thought about carefully.

    However, for THIS data sample, this makes no difference. I don't
    gain a single additional B-V point for any SN unless I am willing to
    combine points that are more than 7 days away from each other,
    and even then it only helps a very small number of SNe. I thought
    that 7 rest frame days was definitely pushing it a little, so I didn't
    perform the combination.


    On Aug 24, 2004, at 6:36 AM, Chris Lidman wrote:

    > Hi Alex,
    > Thanks for the quick reply. As a follow up question, do you correct
    > the measured B-V colour in some way, since the B- and
    > V-band observations are taken at different dates?
    > Cheers, Chris.

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