Re: CMAGIC draft

From: Ariel Goobar (
Date: Thu Sep 02 2004 - 12:44:58 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Conley: "Re: CMAGIC draft"

    Hi Alex,
    what I had in mind was quite simple (too simple to be interesting?).
    If we were to assume that m_B(z) is significantely dimmed by
    IG dust, then we can estimate what the same dust density distribution
    would do to the CMAG Hubble diagram. As the dimming would affect the
    two techniques somewhat differently (right?), if the fitted cosmologies
    agree, we may be able to present yet another evidence against large
    amounts of IG dust. So, if you are intersted to try some of this, I
    generate Monte-Carlo lightcurves as in your data for you to check what
    actual difference would be between m_B and B(B-V=0.6) as a function of
    dust properties.


    On Tue, 31 Aug 2004, Alexander Conley wrote:
    >> 4) Have you considered quantifying the bias from possible
    >> intergalactic dust?
    >> If you want, I can help you with synthetic data sets.
    > What do you have in mind?
    > Alex

    Ariel Goobar (
    Department of Physics, Stockholm University
    AlbaNova University Center, SE-106 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN
    tel: +46 8 55378659 fax: +46 8 55378601

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