I-band paper

From: Chris Lidman (clidman@eso.org)
Date: Wed Oct 20 2004 - 07:14:09 PDT

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: I-band paper"

    Hi Serena,
      Here are some corrections for the paper.

    I still feel uncomfortable with SN 1999Q. I fear that the other team has
    data which could help us clear up some of the uncertainties that are
    associated with this object.

    Cheers, Chris,

    Section 1.

    1st paragraph

    Change "indicate that Omega_M" to "which indicate that Omega_M"

    Place a comma between "acceleration" and "and"

    Remove the comma between "brightness" and "of"

    Replace ", dimming by intergalactic" with "and dimming by intergalactic"

    2nd paragraph

    Put a comma after "For example"

    3rd paragraph

    "first and second peak" -> "first and second peaks"

    4th paragraph

    Delete "finding means for"

    5th paragraph

    Only two of the three SNe are used to test for non-conventional dust.

    Section 2

    1st paragraph

    Remove the comma after maximum.

    "for example" -> "for an example"

    2nd paragraph.

    The description of the template is awkward.

    Section 2.1

    1st paragraph

    "are available in the literature from" -> are available in the
    literature. The
    SNe data primarily comes from"

    Section 2.2

    1st paragraph

    "6 data points and coverage in time constraining" -> "6 data points

    "standard Bessell I-band" -> "a Bessell I-band filter transmission

    Add a reference to the Bessell paper.

    "A new spectroscopic ... (2002)." -> A new spectroscopic template, which
    is a slightly modified ... (2002), was used to compute k-corrections."

    Note that "k" in k-corrections is usually lower case.

    "0.1," -> "0.1" (i.e., remove the comma)

    "dispersion up" -> "dispersion of up"

    3rd paragraph

    Add a comma after "In Figure 1".

    As no date ... literature for SN1997cn, the " -> "As the date of
    B-band maximum for SN 1997cn is unknown, the "

    4th paragraph

    Remove also in the first sentence.

    "the perculiar" -> "perculiar" in the last sentence.

    6th paragraph

    "The reduced chi-sq for the fits given in Table 2" -> The fits have
    reduced chi-sq values (see Table 2) that

    "however," -> ", however,"

    Section 2.3

    "about a Gaussian: -> "from a Gaussian"

    Delete "(assumed Gaussian)" as you already mention it in the sentence.

    SN 1997br. Perhaps the standard deviations were "larger" rather
    than "different".

    Section 2.4

    First paragraph

    "corrections applied to most of the SNe are determined as" ->
    "correction that is applied to most the SNe is the"

    ", and assuming" -> "We assume"

    Second paragraph

    "stretch factor in the B-band" -> "the B-band stretch"

    Section 3

    1st paragraph

    "I-band" -> "the I-band"


    "in fact," -> ", in fact,"

    "however," -> ", however,"

    "affect significantly" -> "significantly affect"

    2nd paragraph

    "B-band" -> the B-band"

    "effective magitude, m_eff for" -> "effective magnitudes of"

    "on the redshifts" -> "in the redshifts"

    In the future you might want to estmiate the intrinsic dispersion
    in the following way.

    Add an uncertainty in quadrature to the reported uncertainty and fit a
    Hubble line to the nearby data. Adjust the uncertainty until the
    reduced chi-sq is one. This technique can also be used to estimate a
    confidence on the uncertainty.

    3rd paragraph

    "15 SNe" -> "SNe"

    For my own interest, how much would the weighted standard deviations
    of the Calan/Tololo sample decrease if the standard deviation is
    computed around the individual fits?

    Section 4.1

    4th paragraph

    "a narrower J filter" -> "the narrower Js filter"

    "its transmission function cuts off entirely" -> "the transmision of the
    filter is not defined by"

    "0.01 magnitude" -> "0.01 magnitudes"

    Section 4.2

    Have you seen a spectrum of 99ff?

    Section 4.3

    2nd paragraph

    "at late time" -> "at late times"

    I think you should delete the last sentence concerning the IR
    photometry in this paragraph. Although I have re-reduced the data,
    I'd like someone to check my estimate of the magnidude independently.

    3rd paragraph

    "MJD" should not be in italics.

    According to http://panisse.lbl.gov/collab/archive/iband/0056.html
    the time of B-max in case 3 is 51190.4 +/- 1.5 days, which is only
    4 observer frame days before the Tonry value and not 8 days which is
    based on the HST data alone. I think that you should change the 8 to 4.

    Are you aware of any data that the other team may have and we do not?
    I note that the plots of Vitaly do not any magnitudes that could be
    derived from the search data. This could have a significant impact on
    what is measured for the stretch and the date of maximum.

    If we have all the data, then I find it odd that we use Tonry's date
    of maximum. I think it makes more sence to use our date of maximum.

    4th paragraph

    "we it is shwon" -> "it is shown"

    "and because" -> "and because"

    Put a comma after "In what follows"

    Section 4.4

    2nd paragraph

    "In all cases ...SN 2000fr" -> "The time of B maximum is obtained from
    the literature (SN 1999ff) or from our own B-band lightcurve fits (SN
    2000fr and SN 1999Q). The best-fitting low-redshift I-band template
    fixes the date of the I-band maximum relative to the date of the
    B-band maximum"

    Section 4.5

    "The distribution measured ..." - You should rephrase this sentence.

    I dislike the second last paragraph. It is true that IR observations
    are more difficult, but, if care is taken, they are not less accurate. I
    would like you to delete this papragraph.

    Section 6.

    2nd paragraph

    "from the source corrected for our k-corrections" I am not sure what you
    are trying to say here.

    I have a question about the B-I colours of 99Q. Do we use the B-band
    magnitudes of Riess et al., or do we redetermine them from the HST data
    that was retrieved from the archive using our own light curve fitting
    software and our own k-corrections?

    4th paragraph
    "combination of disfavour" -> "combination disfavour"

    Section 7

    2nd paragraph

    "colors" -> "the colours" (note the English spelling)

    Section 8

    The last paragraph.

    I do not think that the phrase "uncertainties with the J-band data
    calibration" should be included. I do not think that this is valid.

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