Re: I-band paper

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Wed Oct 20 2004 - 09:50:49 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: I-band paper"

    Hi Chris,

    thank you for your comments. I have implemented them in the paper and
    update the link in the web page. Note that I have also changed the symbol
    used for SN1999Q in all the plots, into an open symbol, since I noticed
    that the difference was not evident when the paper was printed.
    Below are some answers.


    On Wed, 20 Oct 2004, Chris Lidman wrote:
    > 3rd paragraph
    > "15 SNe" -> "SNe"
    > For my own interest, how much would the weighted standard deviations
    > of the Calan/Tololo sample decrease if the standard deviation is
    > computed around the individual fits?

    I think I have computed this in several occasions. I could find an email
    in the archive which refers to the use of the previous spectral template
    for computing the k-corrections.
    I could not find a more recent result, although I recall having sent an
    email about this. In any case I recall the results to be about the same,
    which is the reason why it was not mentioned explicitly in the text.

    > Section 4.2
    > -----------
    > Have you seen a spectrum of 99ff?

    Yes. There are spectra of SN1999ff in Tonry's paper. (Tonry et al 2003)

    > Section 4.3
    > -----------
    > 2nd paragraph
    > I think you should delete the last sentence concerning the IR
    > photometry in this paragraph. Although I have re-reduced the data,
    > I'd like someone to check my estimate of the magnidude independently.

    Is someone checking it? I think it is important to say that we have
    doubts about their IR data, otherwise I don't see the whole point of
    excluding this SN from the analysis. The doubts on the optical lightcurves
    are not enough since there should be more ground based data that we don't
    have (at least according to Riess' paper).

    > 3rd paragraph
    > According to
    > the time of B-max in case 3 is 51190.4 +/- 1.5 days, which is only
    > 4 observer frame days before the Tonry value and not 8 days which is
    > based on the HST data alone. I think that you should change the 8 to 4.

    The latest fit by Vitaliy is:

    > Are you aware of any data that the other team may have and we do not?
    > I note that the plots of Vitaly do not any magnitudes that could be
    > derived from the search data. This could have a significant impact on
    > what is measured for the stretch and the date of maximum.

    In Riess et al. (2000) they claim there are both space and ground based
    observations, for a very well sampled lightcurve (from pre-max to 60 days
    post max). Thus, I deduce we don't have all the data there is. Vitaliy
    used the discovery point taken from the IAUC in his lightcurve fit.

    > If we have all the data, then I find it odd that we use Tonry's date
    > of maximum. I think it makes more sence to use our date of maximum.
    > Section 6.
    > ----------
    > 2nd paragraph
    > I have a question about the B-I colours of 99Q. Do we use the B-band
    > magnitudes of Riess et al., or do we redetermine them from the HST data
    > that was retrieved from the archive using our own light curve fitting
    > software and our own k-corrections?

    We use the B-band magnitudes of Riess et al for consistency reasons, since
    we are also using the time of Bmax by them. As I said, I don't like using
    our optical lightcurve fit, since there could be more data.

    > Section 7
    > ---------
    > 2nd paragraph
    > "colors" -> "the colours" (note the English spelling)

    I believe I used the American spelling throughout the paper
    (e.g. gray instead of grey). But maybe I have not been consistent. If so,
    please let me know.

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