K-Correction histogram

From: Lifan Wang (lifan@panisse.lbl.gov)
Date: Thu Apr 01 2004 - 15:29:09 PST

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: K-Correction histogram"


       Here is the histogram of K-corrections for all of the spectra that I
    have. The template spectrum Serena sent to me is marked by the red "temp".

       I might have found the reason for the difference between my K-corr and
    the Serena's. In my fit, I only normalize the spectra to the observed
    magnitudes close to the region of interest, and use a smooth function for
    the normalization. When I try to include all the colors, I do end up
    something closer to what I can get from Serena's template, but I think
    this is unphysical.

      In the attached figure, the spectrum from Serena's template is treated
    just as the observed spectra. They are normalized to to VRI magnitudes,
    normalizing only to RI magnitudes makes no difference in my results.

      Note that contrary to what's in Rob's email, that in my approach, I did
    not "applying the function that pushes it a little up here, a little down
    there, in comparison to what Serena did".

      The normalization function I use has NO wiggles, and as it seems, we all
    agree that this is important.

      Because my normalization applies only for VRI, the spectra in U and B
    are arbitrary. I hope this also addresses Rob's previous email requesting
    my spectra at 3000A.



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