Re: K-Correction histogram

From: Chris Lidman (
Date: Thu Apr 01 2004 - 15:44:43 PST

  • Next message: Lifan Wang: "Re: K-Correction histogram"

    Hi Lifan,
      From the label on the x-ordinate, it would appear that this is for the
    R filter. Can you do the same for I? Also, is this plot applicable to a
    single redshift?

    Cheers, Chris.

    On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 19:29, Lifan Wang wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Here is the histogram of K-corrections for all of the spectra that I
    > have. The template spectrum Serena sent to me is marked by the red "temp".
    > I might have found the reason for the difference between my K-corr and
    > the Serena's. In my fit, I only normalize the spectra to the observed
    > magnitudes close to the region of interest, and use a smooth function for
    > the normalization. When I try to include all the colors, I do end up
    > something closer to what I can get from Serena's template, but I think
    > this is unphysical.
    > In the attached figure, the spectrum from Serena's template is treated
    > just as the observed spectra. They are normalized to to VRI magnitudes,
    > normalizing only to RI magnitudes makes no difference in my results.
    > Note that contrary to what's in Rob's email, that in my approach, I did
    > not "applying the function that pushes it a little up here, a little down
    > there, in comparison to what Serena did".
    > The normalization function I use has NO wiggles, and as it seems, we all
    > agree that this is important.
    > Because my normalization applies only for VRI, the spectra in U and B
    > are arbitrary. I hope this also addresses Rob's previous email requesting
    > my spectra at 3000A.
    > Cheers,
    > Lifan

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