Re: SN 1999Q lightcurve

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Mon Jan 26 2004 - 06:36:05 PST

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: SN 1999Q lightcurve"

    Dear Greg, Vitaliy and scpexec,

    looking at the plots sent by Vitaliy of the lightcurve fitting, I have
    convinced myself that we have to trust the date of maximum given in the
    paper by Riess, as it is clear that the HST data alone are not enough to
    constrain the rise part of the lightcurve. Moreover, Riess claims in the
    paper to have also pre-max data and up to 60 days after maximum. As I
    don't see any reason not to trust this information, we have to assume
    their date of maximum to be the correct one.

    As for the stretch factor, in all cases fitted by Vitaliy it turns out
    greater than 1. We could then consider including this information in our
    paper. However, since this value would not improve the presentation ( e.g.
    this SN would be even more deviant in the Hubble diagram after correction
    for the stretch) and given that they could publish the lightcurve at any
    moment and "perhaps" prove us wrong, I would choose not to modify the
    analysis presented in the paper, avoiding taking un-necessary risks. I
    hope you agree with me and find this a sensible decision.
    Anyhow, any further thoughts and discussion are very welcome.


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