Re: SN 1999Q lightcurve

From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (
Date: Mon Jan 26 2004 - 08:54:49 PST

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: SN 1999Q lightcurve"

    On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 05:49:45PM +0100, Serena Nobili wrote:
    > I don't know which telescopes they used. From Riess et al:
    > " Rest-frame B- and V-band photometry using custom filters was obtained
    > for SN 1999Q from observatories around the world.... "

    ...and he yells at *us* for not having published all our photometry!


    --Prof. Robert Knop
      Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

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