Re: SN 1999Q lightcurve

Date: Sat Jan 24 2004 - 17:14:17 PST

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: SN 1999Q lightcurve"

    Dear Serena,

    here are the minuit fit plots you have asked about:

    case 1:

    case 2:

    case 3:


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Serena Nobili <>
    Date: Saturday, January 24, 2004 9:39 am
    Subject: Re: SN 1999Q lightcurve

    > Dear Vitaliy,
    > These results (all of them) are very interesting and might be the
    > reasonwhy they were not published yet!!! The only information
    > missing for my
    > analysis was indeed the stretch factor, but I am also using the
    > time of B
    > maximum given in the paper as input to some of the analyses. Given
    > this, I
    > need to think how to proceed.
    > One possibility for the discrepancy, is in the K-corrections. We have
    > already checked with the paper by Tonry et al.(2003) that K-
    > corrections in
    > the infrared were different, I would not be surprised to find that the
    > same is true for the optical. It would be good if you could check the
    > K-corrections given in Tonry for a SN at about the same redshift
    > as 1999Q,
    > for the same filters, and see if yours agree with theirs. I think
    > it is
    > important you do the checks, for consistency with the templates
    > you are
    > using to compute them.
    > Another thing to try is to see whether we can reproduce the B-I
    > given
    > for 1999Q in Riess et al. I can have a look at this.
    > Can you send me the plots you get for each of the cases? I would
    > like to see how the lightcurve fit looks like for each of them.
    > One thing is sure: the problems I have encountered since I started
    > looking
    > at the case of 1999Q are almost infinite. The mismatch between the
    > table and the plot is only the top of the iceberg. I really want
    > to see
    > how much more we can discover on this.
    > Thank you very much for your precious collaboration.
    > Cheers
    > Serena
    > On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Vitaliy Fadeyev wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > >Hi Serena,
    > >
    > >these are the results of my fits to SN 1999Q lightcurves:
    > >
    > >case m_B dm_R m_B_corr dm_B_corr s ds chisq dof m_R
    > kcorr_R kcorr_I tmax dtmax R-I d(R-I)
    > >1 22.82 0.06 23.02 0.16 1.117 0.054 5.29 8 22.06 -0.764 -
    > 0.310 2451186.54 1.444 -0.054 0.074
    > >2 23.43 0.03 23.59 0.08 1.086 0.031 19.85 9 22.39 -1.042 -
    > 0.531 2451197.52 0.000 -0.323 0.029
    > >3 23.14 0.02 23.34 0.07 1.119 0.032 9.95 9 22.24 -0.902 -
    > 0.419 2451191.83 0.853 -0.188 0.035
    > >
    > >The fit "cases" are as follows:
    > >1) stand-alone HST data, no constraints. In this case, the day
    > >of max is shifted to earlier time by 11 days compared to what
    > >Riess has reported. The Chi^2 is good (too good).
    > >2) the maximum is fixed to the Riess's value. The Chi^2 becomes
    > >"bad".
    > >3) Greg pointed out that IAU circular contains the I band discovery
    > >magnitude. I assumed that that data value has error of 10%
    > >and that it was measured with similar filter to F814W. Adding
    > >this point resulted in third case. The day of max is about 6 days
    > >earlier than reported value, Chi^2 is good.
    > >
    > >So, you can take this with appropriately sized grain of salt or
    > >other substances. Feel free to critisize.
    > >
    > >If B band stretch value is all you care about, then it seems that
    > >proper value would be about 1.1 . However, the time-of-max
    > discrepancy>is worriesome.
    > >
    > >Cheers,
    > >vitaliy
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > --
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