Re: SN 1999Q lightcurve

From: Vitaliy Fadeyev (
Date: Fri Jan 23 2004 - 19:31:05 PST

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: SN 1999Q lightcurve"

    Hi Serena,

    these are the results of my fits to SN 1999Q lightcurves:

    case m_B dm_R m_B_corr dm_B_corr s ds chisq dof m_R kcorr_R kcorr_I tmax dtmax R-I d(R-I)
    1 22.82 0.06 23.02 0.16 1.117 0.054 5.29 8 22.06 -0.764 -0.310 2451186.54 1.444 -0.054 0.074
    2 23.43 0.03 23.59 0.08 1.086 0.031 19.85 9 22.39 -1.042 -0.531 2451197.52 0.000 -0.323 0.029
    3 23.14 0.02 23.34 0.07 1.119 0.032 9.95 9 22.24 -0.902 -0.419 2451191.83 0.853 -0.188 0.035

    The fit "cases" are as follows:
    1) stand-alone HST data, no constraints. In this case, the day
    of max is shifted to earlier time by 11 days compared to what
    Riess has reported. The Chi^2 is good (too good).
    2) the maximum is fixed to the Riess's value. The Chi^2 becomes
    3) Greg pointed out that IAU circular contains the I band discovery
    magnitude. I assumed that that data value has error of 10%
    and that it was measured with similar filter to F814W. Adding
    this point resulted in third case. The day of max is about 6 days
    earlier than reported value, Chi^2 is good.

    So, you can take this with appropriately sized grain of salt or
    other substances. Feel free to critisize.

    If B band stretch value is all you care about, then it seems that
    proper value would be about 1.1 . However, the time-of-max discrepancy
    is worriesome.


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