Re: I-band paper

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Sun Jan 04 2004 - 11:07:44 PST

  • Next message: Greg Aldering: "first comments on draft I-band paper"

    Dear Alex,
    thank you for your comments (which arrived perfectly in time to be
    implemented). Here are the answers to your questions.
    Happy new year!


    On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Alex Kim wrote:

    >To me the last paragraph is the most interesting in this section.
    >Could you add a couple of sentences to reinforce the point that you do
    >not find secondary SN Ia parameters. For example you could add,
    >"Although we find that I-band stretch factors are correlated with
    >absolute I magnitude, there is no statistical evidence that these
    >convey information independent of the B-band, i.e.
    ><(s_b-<s_b>)(s_I-<s_I>)> and others are consistent with 0."
    >This may be beyond the scope of the paper but can you say anything
    >about what level there are no other correlations? Or in other words,
    >is there an uncertainty in stretch (for example) below which you are
    >not sensitive to new SN parameters?

    Unfortunately I could not identify limits on correlations, though I
    haven't worked to hard in this direction. I think you would be interested
    in checking out some plots I posted in the paper web page:

    >Figure 17
    >If the data is extinction corrected, why is the bottom left figure not
    >centered around E(B-V) and E(B-I) = 0? What extinction correction did
    >you use?

    The problem with this is not in the extinction corrections, but in the
    model used. The sample used to build the model is the Calan/Tololo plus
    the CfA (see nobili et al 2003), while here I have added the Jha's data.
    This is the source of the small discrepancy in the plot. I guess I should
    explain it in the paper or shift the plot. All the statistical test are
    done taking into account the shift.

    >The 20 SNe to make dust studies assumes a data-quality similar to the 3
    >high-z SNe considered here. With better S/N and more points you could
    >use fewer SNe.

    The uncertainty on the 3 SNe considered here are larger than
    the one used for the estimate. I am afraid we cannot use fewer SNe.

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