Re: Comments on i-band paper

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Sun Jan 04 2004 - 01:25:41 PST

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: I-band paper"

    Dear Isobel,
    thank you for you comments and your support. I will make all the changes
    you suggested as soon as possible. A few relevant answers to your comments
    are below.
    Happy new year!


    On Sat, 3 Jan 2004, Isobel Hook wrote:

    >I see that there is a new paper on very low-z I-band light curves by
    >Krisciunas, Philipps and Suntzeff (astro-ph/0312626) which you could

    I have seen this paper, however, it is not in I-band, but in JHK-bands.
    I think I should still mention it, as they show Hubble diagram in the

    >Section 2:
    >I dont really understand why the Ca IR triplet should cause problems
    >at any z provided the filters are a good match to whatever rest-frame
    >band you're aiming for. I think that paragraph needs explanation or
    >remove it.

    This is an old issue. Peter has made some noise about this problem (see
    also Nugent, Kim & Perlmutter, astro-ph/0205351) and Chris has been
    bugging me about the fact that my analysis, and any analysis in restframe
    I band, was affected by the Ca IR triplet, which would make the
    k-corrections wrong. As you said provided a good match between the filters
    this is not a problem, but the good match depends on the redshift. There
    are some relevant plots I put in the paper web page:
    I think it is fair to point it out that we don't suffer from
    this problem.

    >Section 4.4: I'm not quite sure I understand what you've done in order
    >to make a set of templates which you then use for a one-parameter fit
    >to the z~0.5 SNe. How did you collapse the 42 lower z ones down to one
    >parameter? Are you using the curves in Figs 7 and 8?

    I am simply using each of the 42 lightcurve showed in figs 1 - 5 as
    template to fit the peak value (one parameter) of the high-z SNe data.
    Thus I choose the template whose fit gives the lower chisq value as the
    best-fit template.

    >Section 5:
    >You quote confidence levels with & without systematic
    >uncertainties being accounted for, but you dont say what these
    >uncertainties are. Are these the same as mentioned in section 6.1?

    No, they are explained in section 4.4 and reported in table 8.

    >In the conclusions you mention that a non-dust model is preferred at
    >90% confidence but I could not see this result mentioned in section 5,
    >where I would expect it to come from.

    Yes, you are right, it is not explicitly said in Section 5, where table 9
    reports the chisq value to each of the models. I will add a line in
    the text of section 5.

    >Section 6:
    >To be honest I found this section a bit frustrating - there is a lot
    >of quite detailed analysis to understand, and at the end of it all
    >we're told there were no significant conclusions. If possible I would
    >try to shorten this section.

    I found even more frustrating to work on this for almost 2 years and get
    to the conclusion that I cannot conclude anything due to poor high-z data.
    However, the idea is to show a method that could be used once the data are
    available. That is why it is so detailed.

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