I-band paper

From: Alex Kim (agkim@lbl.gov)
Date: Wed Dec 24 2003 - 12:45:58 PST

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: new paper"


    Your I-band paper overall looks good to me. I have only minor
    comments which you may want to consider incorporating if it is not too

    Happy holidays!


    Be consistent with the use of "type Ia" or "Type Ia".

    2.2. 4th paragraph
    "compared to spectroscopic normals."

    To me the last paragraph is the most interesting in this section.
    Could you add a couple of sentences to reinforce the point that you do
    not find secondary SN Ia parameters. For example you could add,
    "Although we find that I-band stretch factors are correlated with
    absolute I magnitude, there is no statistical evidence that these
    convey information independent of the B-band, i.e.
    <(s_b-<s_b>)(s_I-<s_I>)> and others are consistent with 0."

    This may be beyond the scope of the paper but can you say anything
    about what level there are no other correlations? Or in other words,
    is there an uncertainty in stretch (for example) below which you are
    not sensitive to new SN parameters?

    \pm mistake.

    It is blatantly obvious but may be worth mentioning that the B-I is
    related with (\alpha_B-\alpha_I)(s_B-1) in the later section about
    using colors to measure gray dust.

    "Hubble diagram for the three data sets separately"

    Change the wording of the 2nd paragraph. You talk about 42 templates
    but this is the first you have mentioned them. It also took me a while
    to realize that I_max had nothing to do with I_1. II would say
    something like

    "The best fit light curve for each of the 42 supernovae in our
    low-redshift sample defines a template. The high-redshift supernovae
    are fit to each template with a single free parameter, Imax, the
    absolute normalization of the template."

    Figures 12, 13, and 14.

    By themselves these figures and captions look a little silly. You
    should add supplemental information in the caption saying that this is
    the best of 42 template fits each with only one free parameter.
    Supplemental data from the B-band (not shown) is used to fix the date
    of maximum.

    "measurement", not "meausurement"


    "The residuals of each supernova's colors to the"

    Figure 17
    If the data is extinction corrected, why is the bottom left figure not
    centered around E(B-V) and E(B-I) = 0? What extinction correction did
    you use?

    The 20 SNe to make dust studies assumes a data-quality similar to the 3
    high-z SNe considered here. With better S/N and more points you could
    use fewer SNe.

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