Re: new paper

From: Alex Conley (
Date: Fri Dec 19 2003 - 11:16:41 PST

  • Next message: Alex Kim: "I-band paper"

    > Does this applies to all BVRI filters?

    It applies to UBVRI if they follow the Bessel passbands.
    > what is the color code in this plot? I could not figure it out. Anyway I
    > see that the effect is very small, which is expected since both observed
    > and restframe filters are in the "wrong" units, so the total effect is
    > probably averaged out. This gives me confidence in the fact that this is
    > probably not going to change the results of the paper.

    Sorry. What is shown is Kold - Knew (recall that K is subtracted from the
    magnitudes to get the correct one). The linestyles represent different
    redshifts, as in the legend. The blue line is the rest frame B band and
    the red line is the rest frame V band. As you can see, the B band is
    affected considerably more than the V band.

    > > This was discovered due to a note in Jha's thesis. I ended up emailing
    > > Mike Bessel directly to confirm this. So you should look up Bessel
    > > (1990), compare it to your filter curve, and if it the one you are using
    > > you have a (minor) problem -- but one that isn't too hard to fix.
    > > Just divide your filter file by lambda, renormalize, and redo all your
    > > K-corrections.
    > >
    > I checked it in Jha's thesis ( I guess it is the note in page 156). This
    > is scaring more for the IR data, when correcting from J-band to I-band,
    > since I suspect the J-band is done in the "right" way.
    > But I need to check how big the effect will be.
    > Thanks for having pointed this out.
    > Cheers
    > Serena
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