Re: Comments on 99ac paper

From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2005 - 05:28:07 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: comments on SN99ac draft by Feb 9"

    Dear Chris

    thanks for your comments,
    I've implemented them, the new draft will be posted later today.
    Please find attached the answer to the questions you asked.

    Hasta la vista.
    All the best

    On Mon, 6 Feb 2005, Chris Lidman wrote:

    > Hi Gabriele,
    > Here are some comments on the 99ac paper. Overall, it looks in good
    > shape.
    > Cheers, Chris

    LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS University of Paris VI and Paris VII
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