Re: comments on SN99ac draft by Feb 9

From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2005 - 07:59:06 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: Comments on 99ac paper"

    Dear Andy

    thanks for your comments.

    The SII issue is that it is true the feature appears there and it is weak,
    but with Synow you really cannot get it right. In the case of 99ac the
    shape is strange. The CoII label in the plot is for the Co contribution in
    depleting the emission on the blue side of SII right above the Co
    label. This is anyway really a marginal contribution, see the Synow
    parameter table.

    The third absorption on the red side of SII is not reduction problem,
    I've been checking that out many times and it is a real SN feature.
    Unfortunately we cannot get the region correctly with our Synow fit.

    The whole paragraph now reads as

    "As previously mentioned, the characteristic \ion{S}{2} feature does
    not yet appear to be fully developed at phase $-15$ days. Including
    some \ion{S}{2} optical depth produces an absorption blend around 5300
    \AA. Generally, however, fits to the \ion{S}{2} blend region using
    SYNOW do not reproduce the observed features in most cases. Our fit in
    this region is not optimal, nevertheless, we regard the presence of
    \ion{S}{2} in the day $-15$ spectrum as probable."

    On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Andy Howell wrote:

    > Gabriele,
    > Good job on the SN 1999ac paper! I only have one real scientific comment,
    > which may be a first for an SCP spectroscopy paper!
    > p. 13, the "Day -15" section, I don't understand the paragraph about SII.
    > You say the "SII feature does not yet appear to be present at phase -15
    > days." But then you conclude the paragraph with "we regard the presence
    > of SII in the day -15 spectrum as probable." In fact, I think SII is
    > there in the spectrum. You can see this if you overplot any other
    > spectrum with SII. On figure 4, SII would be the 2 bluest features in the
    > valley around 5400A (you have one of them labeled at CoII, but you don't
    > say anything about that in the text). But I don't know what the reddest
    > feature in that valley is (around 5500A). Is that an artifact from
    > joining the red channel and blue channel? If not it is very puzzling.
    > This should be addressed in the text.
    > Minor comments below:
    > - abstract "the event is not particularly dim" -- "event" is not the right
    > word here.
    > -Intro: "photons collected from last scattering" -- strike "collected"
    > -sometimes you say a feature "dissipates," and while I know what you mean
    > I don't think it is exactly the right word.
    > -several times you say "at early phase" -- this should either be "early
    > phases" or "at an early phase"
    > -p. 10 you say "brighter SNe like SN 1991T". As I always say -- I think
    > you should say "spectroscopically peculiar like SN 1991T," because
    > brighter does not equal SN 1991T and vice versa.
    > p. 15 when you start talking about explaining things in terms of a P-cygni
    > profile, you should put a reference to the first paper to figure out that
    > this is how SNe work:
    > Kirshner et al. 1973, ApJ, 185, 303
    > p. 20 multiparameter is not two words
    > That is all -- again, good paper!
    > -Andy
    > On Wed, 26 Jan 2005, Tony Spadafora wrote:
    > > SCP collaborators:
    > >
    > > Gabriele's draft on SN 1999ac is now ready for general collaboration
    > > review. The latest version is available at
    > >
    > >
    > > Please send comments to Gabriele ( and CC to
    > > (nb. the latter is just an archive, NOT a
    > > maillist) IN TWO WEEKS TIME - i.e. BY FEB 9.
    > >
    > > -Tony
    > >
    > >
    > > Tony Spadafora
    > > Physics Division Tel: (510) 495-2316
    > > Lawrence Berkeley National Lab FAX: (510) 486-6738
    > > 1 Cyclotron Road BLDG 50R5032
    > > Berkeley, CA 94720-8160
    > >

    LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS University of Paris VI and Paris VII
    4 place Jussieu, Tour 33 - Rez de chaussee 75252 Paris Cedex 05 France
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