Paragraph 4. There are two extinctions used A_V=0.51 and A_V=0.14. Which one is correct. :::::: the first is the host galaxy one, the second is the MW one. We do not apply host galaxy reddening becouse we do not trust the value given by the usual way of estimet it (99ac has a asymmetric LC). I spoke with Weidong Li about this issue and he told me that the 0.51 is wrong, He has an other way of getting it but he wouldn't give me is result. Anyway not correcting does not create problems for what we do in the paper. :::::::::::: Why not apply telluric line correction to the curves in figure 2, since you do them later? ::::::::::: I think for consistency it is better to keep all the data in fig 2 with tellurics and remove them only for the comparison with the Synow fits. :::::::::::::::::::: Section 4 ========= Is an increase in the BB temperature from day -15 to day -9 reasonable? I guess the reason is that we are looking deeper into the ejecta. ::::: it can happen, the temp in Synow does not really have a physical meaning in real SN physics. :::::: Section 5. ========= Acknowledgements ================ The ESO program ID was 63.O-0347(A). This should be acknowledged in the last paragraph. ::::::::::::: Please, could you tell me exactly how I should acknowledg?For the moment I just added the ID number :::::::::::::::