Comments on 99ac paper

From: Chris Lidman (
Date: Sun Feb 06 2005 - 18:50:39 PST

  • Next message: Andy Howell: "Re: comments on SN99ac draft by Feb 9"

    Hi Gabriele,
      Here are some comments on the 99ac paper. Overall, it looks in good

    Cheers, Chris


    The paper (in particular the introduction) needs to be carefully read
    by another person before submission.


    type Ia supernova -> Type Ia Supernova

    Do you mean (SN) or (SN Ia) in the first line?

    "Iron lines ... average." -> " The expansion velocities inferred
    from the Iron lines appear to be lower than average; however, the expansion
    velocity inferred from Calcium H and K are higher than average."

    "dissipates" -> "disappears"


    Compared to the rest of the paper, the first part of the introduction
    is not well written. I think this section needs some work.

    Paragraph 10.

    "an extreme" -> "an outlier"

    Paragraph 11.

    "with those other"

    Section 2.

    Paragraph 4.

    There are two extinctions used A_V=0.51 and A_V=0.14. Which one is

    Why not apply telluric line correction to the curves in figure 2, since
    you do them later?

    Section 4

    5th paragraph

    "based" -> "based on"

    6th paragraph

    "For each ion, optical depth" -> "For each ion, the optical depth.

    Is an increase in the BB temperature from day -15 to day -9
    reasonable? I guess the reason is that we are looking deeper into the

    dissipated -> disappeared

    Section 5.

    Second paragraph

    A space between "core" and "Consider"

    Section 5.2

    "systematically greater" -> "systematicaly higher"


    The ESO program ID was 63.O-0347(A). This should be acknowledged in the
    last paragraph.

    Figure 2.

    What are the sudden sharp dips in the +8 day spectrum? A comment in
    the caption might be necessary.

    "spectral time evolution" -> "spectral evolution"

    Figure 14.

    "togheter" -> "together"

    Figure 15.

    "lay" -> "lie"

    Table 1.

    ESO 3.5m -> ESO 3.6m

    a) "Average wavelength-bin size" -> Resolution (Angstroms). Is this
    the real resolution (= slit width * Angstroms per pixel) or is it
    just the Angstroms per pixel.

    f) "Rest frame" -> "Rest frame days"

    Comments a and f are on top of eachother.

    A loose comma in "d"

    Table 5.

    You may want to quote v_10 with less significant figures since the
    error is large, i.e. 8470 instead of 8463. Some of the values
    could be corrected likewise.

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