Re: Comments on July21 draft of I-band Hubble diagram paper.

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Tue Aug 24 2004 - 08:39:05 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: Comments on July21 draft of I-band Hubble diagram paper."

    Hello Saul (cc Chris),

    thanks for your comments. I have one small concern about the sentence

    "However, an extra term has been added to the usual formula,
    in order to take into account the appropriate transformation between
    IR and optical photometric systems. The $K$-correction between filter
    $x$ and $y$ is given by $K'_{xy} = K_{xy} - (x-y),$ where $(x-y)$ is
    the color of Vega and $K_{xy}$ as defined in Kim et al (1996)."

    I added this upon request by Chris, but as I understand from you, this was
    already in the original paper by Alex (I am sorry for not having checked
    this carefully). I would like to make sure you both agree on this
    point before I delete the sentence from the paper.

    On a different issue, I wrote to Brian and asked about how to phrase the
    private communication. I am changing the paper accordingly ( I will
    forward the email to you):

    "We found differences with the results published in \citet{tonry}, due to
    the use of an incorrect filter in those calculations, however, the
    $K$-corrections calculated as part of the MLCS Distance fits to this
    object were done with the correct filter (Brian Schmidt, private



    On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, Saul Perlmutter wrote:

    > Hi Serena (and SCP exec),
    > I think the paper is generally looking very good -- nice work! I'm
    > attaching a PDF file with comments on it. They're mostly simple things
    > to edit, but there are a couple of rather important points to be
    > addressed. Even these should be pretty quick to take care of -- let me
    > know if you need help with any of them.
    > I hope you had a nice summer break, and that Paris isn't too hot
    > this end-of-August. Regards, --Saul


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