an I-band paper comment

From: Vitaliy Fadeyev (
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 19:16:39 PDT

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: Comments on July21 draft of I-band Hubble diagram paper."

    Dear Serena,

    I have a question regarding sn1999q. In the current version
    of the paper you are reporting the results from the lightcurve
    fit with tmax fixed to Tonry's value. Is there a reason why
    you preferred this version? I would've thought that results
    are much better without Tonry's tmax:
     -- the chi^2 is better (and the lightcurve residuals do not
    show an abnormal trend at the late times),
     -- it would be more self-consistent, since "tmax" definition
    depends on the assumed lightcurve shape.

    Also, assuming tmax, one arrives at a sizable extinction.
    (Not an argument, but rather a feature to account for.)


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