comments on I-band paper

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 13:38:44 PDT

  • Next message: Vitaliy Fadeyev: "an I-band paper comment"

    Hi Serena,
    (and note to SCP exec to also check the archive where Alex K has posted

    This version of the paper reads well. It looks fine to me - the
    k-corrections seems to be addressed well (at least to me). I didn't
    see anything to comment on question - it all seems reasonable to me.

      I did find some very minor typo's and wording issues and send them
    below. They may be in Saul's notes or you may have already fixed them,
    but here is what I found in the July 21 version:

    sec 2.3 Please check the following sentence. if I understand it
    correctly, a comma after "template" is needed.
    "This lends confidence that the fitting procedure
    is robust, and given the model of the lightcurve template
    will not yield biased estimations of the parameters."

    2.4 "available" is misspelled in 2nd sentence.

    3. "Since the uncertainty due to peculiar
    motion in the host galaxy is dominant a very low redshift"
    should be "...dominant at very.."

    "is subtracted (geometrically) to the dispersion measured"
    replace "to" with "from"

    spurious "." after diagram in
    "Table 4 lists for each sample, the average redshift,
    the number of SNe, the weighted mean and standard deviation
    of the residuals in the Hubble diagram.uncertainty."

    and the next sentence is messed up "
    "The latter
    is dominated by the A similar weighted standard deviation was

    sec 4.
    "its potential and complementary
    with respect to the standard B-band Hubble diagram."
    should read "and complementarity with respect"

    4.1 "applied when trasforming"
    transforming is misspelled.

    "The I-band lightcurves of the high redshift supernovae are not
    well sampled in time as the low redshift sample"
    should read "are not as well sampled..."

    "Moreover, this SN is well fitted by the template of SN 1989B,
    giving a similar $B&V(B2 than the best fit one, but a fitted Imax about
    0.2 mag brighter."
    I'd suggest adding "also" (this SN is also well fitted..." )
    and change it to read "similar X2 to the best fit one..."

    5."were the systematic" should be "where the systematic"

    "each of the model." should be "each of the models."

    "of each supernova colors" should be "each supernova color" or "each of
    the supernova colors"

    p15. in the discussion of the 14, I believe what you call "dotted
    lines" in the text, you call "solid ellipses" in the caption.

    "model closer to no-dust model." should be "...closer to the no-dust

    8. "Thus,the use of I-band... " missing space after the comma.

    very nice job!

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