Alex's comments

From: Alex Kim (
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 08:29:18 PDT

  • Next message: Saul Perlmutter: "Comments on July21 draft of I-band Hubble diagram paper."


    I found your paper to be well organized and interesting. Here are
    comments. I'm sure that others will be more complete in catching
    grammatical errors.

    You say "Implicitly, we have thus assumed that the rising part of the
    lightcurve in the I-band is the same as in B-band". Technically, this
    is true only if on average if s_I=1, which isn't quite true when I look
    at Fig 6. The assumption is that the relative rise and decline are the

    (Nobili et al 2003) should not be in parentheses.

    I'm not sure if you have already defined "SCP" earlier in the text.

    Wondering why you didn't plot a histogram for t_Imax-t_sec. This may
    give a tighter dispersion that t_Bmax

    SNe 97br and 98ab have the most plateau-like light curves. This may
    have to do with why some Monte Carlo realizations the don't give good
    chi-squared. Is there something obvious going on with the light curves
    in these cases?

    After eqn 2 "is dominant at a very low redshift"

    "data available to date for this purpose are unfortunately ... They
    consist of "

    "measurements at the time of B_max indicate"

    "supernova images were aligned"

    Is the 0.05 K-correction error is considered correlated or
    uncorrelated? I guess at least 0.02 is correlated from the (I-J).

    Fig 7
    In the caption mention you should explicitly mention the residual inset.

    "The goal of this section"

    In Table 9, do the delta chi-squares convey any meaning in terms of
    precision of the determination of Omega_M? The large delta chi-squares
    makes it look like, contrary to your sentence, that the high-redshift
    sample is sufficient to make strong conclusions on cosmological

    I am curious whether, in your sample of three supernovae, if there is
    any correlation between the magnitude residuals from the concordance
    cosmology of the high-z SNe and their corresponding low-z template.

    "For two of the three high-z SNe considered"

    "universe in the presence of gray dust (Rv=4.5"

    The first two paragraphs of this section are repetitious. I would
    prune it to make it more succinct.

    One too many "for details"

    comma in front of "Aldering"

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