Re: 99q in the I-band paper

From: Greg Aldering (
Date: Thu Apr 22 2004 - 20:52:34 PDT

  • Next message: Reynald Pain: "material for k-corr meeting"

    Hi Serena,

    Duh! Of course you are correct there is no B-V published. I was confused
    with the B-I table in Riess' paper. Just shows what altitude will do to
    you ;)

    - Greg

    >From Thu Apr 22 09:25:34 2004
    >Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 18:25:30 +0200 (CEST)
    >From: Serena Nobili <>
    >To: Greg Aldering <>
    >Cc: paper archive <>, <>
    >Subject: Re: 99q in the I-band paper
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    >Hi Greg,
    >good to see you are enjoying Hawaii.
    >On Thu, 22 Apr 2004, Greg Aldering wrote:
    >>First, have we plotted our SNminuit B-V color curve for 99Q compared to
    >>that given in Riess' paper? Do we agree?
    >I am afraid there is no B-V in Riess' paper, or in any other I know of.
    >In Riess'paper they claim this SN was well observed both from the ground
    >and from space. However, as I recall, Tonry told you that it was only
    >observed at HST, plus the discovery point. I copy here the part in
    >Riess'paper concerning the optical observations of this SN:
    >"Rest-frame $B$ and $V$-band photometry using custom filters was obtained
    >for SN 1999Q from observatories around the world. The {\it Hubble Space
    >Telescope} ({\it HST}) monitored the $B$ and $V$ light curves of SN 1999Q
    >from $\sim$ 10 to 35 days after $B$ maximum (rest-frame) using the WFPC2
    >and the F675W and F814W filters in the course of 6 epochs. Combined,
    >these data provide excellent coverage of the rest-frame $B$ and $V$ light
    >curves from a few days before to 60 days after $B$ maximum (in the rest
    >frame; Clocchiatti et al. 2000)."
    >Clocchiatti et al 2000 was never out. Either there is more data we do not
    >know about, or, if Tonry is right, they put it a bit too strong here on
    >the quality of the optical lightcurve. Adding one discovery point to the
    >HST data points does not increase the time range of this observation from
    >"10 to 35 days" to "a few days before to 60 days after B maximum". In any
    >case, we are assuming the time of maximum given by Tonry, and our fit is
    >used to determined the stretch factor only. I am still not sure we want to
    >get into the trouble of defending our reduction of their data, which we
    >would be forced to do by adding B-V of this SN in the color study.
    >Moreover, I don't think we are gaining much by adding this SN, since what
    >we are presenting is more a feasibility study than striking results.
    >The hypothesis of it being a different type could be interesting to
    >investigate though.
    > Serena
    >Tel +33 1 44 27 75 82
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