Re: 99q in the I-band paper

From: Greg Aldering (
Date: Thu Apr 22 2004 - 03:56:43 PDT

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: 99q in the I-band paper"

    Hi Serena,

    I have two quick thoughts (all that 4km altitude allows!) which you or
    others in the group might consider looking into.

    First, have we plotted our SNminuit B-V color curve for 99Q compared to
    that given in Riess' paper? Do we agree?

    Second, 99Q is supposedly a Ia, and its redshift was determined by
    cross-correlation with a Ia spectrum as no host galaxy spectrum was
    obtained; we have not seen the spectrum so we can not challenge this
    classification but it might be good to know whether the colors are more
    consistent with a Ib/c. Perhaps Lifan or Peter could comment on
    whether this is a credible possibility.



    >Dear all
    >as I have been asked, I have added SN 1999Q in the ellipse-like plot. You
    >can see it at:
    >(see Figure D of the series). I think we don't quite understand the colors
    >of this SN still, and I am not sure whether we really want to add it to
    >the paper, unless we can explain better what is happening. Please, send me
    >comments and thoughts on it, because I am really running out of ideas.
    > Serena

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