Re: K-corr

From: Lifan Wang (
Date: Mon Mar 22 2004 - 17:35:34 PST

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: K-corr"

    You are half right as it is both the problem of the feature (around 7000
    in particular) and the color. What I show in the plot are just the
    observed spectra scaled by a constant to match your spectral template with
    a number of observed spectra.

    May be all the observations are wrong ? (which is possible as the
    calibrations may all be wrong).



    On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Robert A. Knop Jr. wrote:

    > On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 03:47:08PM -0800, Lifan Wang wrote:
    > > Hi, Chris,
    > >
    > > No, my K-Corr are from over 500 real SN spectra. 94D was used for
    > > light curve template.
    > >
    > > The difference is caused by the spectral templates - I do not
    > > believe the so called ueber spectra reflects any real SN in the I-band.
    > >
    > > The attached figure compares Serena's uber spectrum at day 0 with
    > > a number of around max SNe.
    > Looking at this figure, the problem is clearly not the features. The
    > problem is the coloring of the continuum-- and it's not obvious to me
    > that what you did is better than what Serena did.
    > Assuming that your spectrum for K-corrections is the red one (is that
    > what it is?), you've got very different R-I colors just in the level of
    > the continuum.
    > Given that: how did you decide the colors to normalize this to? Did you
    > use 94D for everything? How do 94D's colors compare to everything else?
    > Remember that Serena careful normalized her colors using a procedure
    > documented in her previous paper. Please tell us how you normalized
    > your colors and ensured that the photometric integratons were right.
    > -Rob

    Lifan Wang           (510) 495 2733 (o)   (510) 704 0119 (h)

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