Re: K-corrections: another voice in the debate

From: Lifan Wang (
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 17:56:19 PST

  • Next message: Lifan Wang: "Re: K-corr"

    Dear All,

            Here is my version of the I-band k corrections comapred to
    Serena's. My version is considerable different from both of you.

            There is a simple way to check whose is more reasonable. The
    I-band should be very well approximated by a Rayleigh-Jeans law,
    expecially before/around optical max, in which case the K-correction can
    be calculated analytically.

            The lines in the attached figures are:

            Black: the median values of the K-corrections I calculated
            Green: Serena's K-corrections
            Red: 1 sigma standard deviations from the black line
            Blue: The blackbody limit

            The last figure gives the k-correction as a function of color.

            I guess the differences are substantial, and some serious efforts
    are needed to get it right. However, I am okey if you want to blame the
    uncertainties of I-band templates as the cause for the differences.



    Lifan Wang           (510) 495 2733 (o)   (510) 704 0119 (h)

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