Re: K-corrections: another voice in the debate

From: Alex Conley (
Date: Tue Mar 09 2004 - 18:56:34 PST

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: K-corrections: another voice in the debate"

    Hello Serena,

      I have run my K-corrections on the same dates as yours, and I have to
    report that I also get a rather different result than you do. This is
    displayed graphically for the z=0.05 case in the first attachment (I got
    the line styles wrong in the legend-- sorry). Shown are your values, my
    values, and the values I get with my code and filter curves using your
    uberspectra. The values that I get with your uberspectra are very similar
    to yours. The difference is probably due to one or both of the following:
      (i) I assumed that the dates were observer frame, and you used rest
      (ii) I am using versions of Bessell's filters with the linear function
          removed and you are not.
    In any case, they are close enough not to worry about.

    The comparison with my K-corrections is not so close. The differences
    are pretty substantial, with my K-corrections generally being smaller.
    You shouldn't pay attention to dates past about 30 days because the color
    model has run out of steam.

    The other attachment has the actual numbers for the three cases that
    you gave, as well as a side by side comparison for z=0.05.


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