Re: notes on the Iband phone conference

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Fri Jan 30 2004 - 05:52:00 PST

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: notes on the Iband phone conference"

    Dear Greg,

    I have done some work to try to answer some of your questions concerning
    the analysis carried in Section 6 of the paper (see below).
    I have run some tests to check how much of that analysis depends on the
    intrinsic colors and correlation I assumed (i.e. as in Nobili et al. 2003)
    I have run my programs assuming zero correlation between colors at
    different epochs, and/or assuming different values for the intrinsic
    dispersion. For each of the configuration (no-correlation, intrinsic
    dispersion) I have computed the chisq of the high-z SNe to the nearby
    distribution, and to the dust models. I reported the results in the paper
    web page:

    The conclusion of these tests is that the analysis does not depend
    critically on the assumptions on correlation and intrinsic colors.
    The main reason why we get a different result than Riess et al (2000), is
    the spread of the 3 high-z SNe used. What he did, is to use one single
    supernova, with very blue colors to put limit on the reddening by gray

    I hope this helps.


    On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Serena Nobili wrote:

    >9) Greg Aldering expressed his worry again for the case of 1999Q in
    >the analysis of Section 6 (colors and grey dust). We discussed the
    >reasons why we get different results than Riess for the test on grey
    >dust based on B-I colors. These are the correlation between the data
    >of the same SN, the different B-I versus time used in our analysis,
    >the different K-corrections, and the fact we assume stretch=1 for
    >it. Knowing the stretch of this SN would help in feeling more
    >confident (see point 7 above). Greg also worries about the correlation
    >between colors at different epochs, calculated in Nobili et al
    >2003. It has been proposed for people to read the paper. Also, Greg
    >needs to think about it and perhaps suggest tests or plots which would
    >make him more confident in the analysis. Ariel pointed out that Riess
    >claims this SN to be too blue, but we don't see that in Figure 16 of
    >the paper.

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