*** search begins early 02 April ***

From: Rachel G. (gibbo@panisse.lbl.gov)
Date: Thu Mar 11 2004 - 19:55:10 PST

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: SuF02-012"

            since there was no reaction to my previous e-mail
    regarding this news, i thought i'd resend it with a new
    subject line...



    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 06:30:19 -0500 (EST)
    From: William Januszewski <williamj@stsci.edu>
    To: ragibbons@lbl.gov
    Cc: williamj@stsci.edu
    Subject: Re: 9727, plan windows (fwd)

    Hi Rachel,

    Unfortunately, due to the battery reconditioning, they will begin on April 2. We
    tried to place the reconditioning in a spot that would disrupt the fewest number
    of proposals. That turned out to be March 30 to the first few hours of April 2.
    As I understand the schedule for that week, your search visits are to start
    right after the battery reconditioning finishes.


    >Hi Bill,
    > Are you saying execution of proposals will begin
    >again on April 1 or on April 2?
    >On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, William Januszewski wrote:
    >> Hi Rachel,
    >> We are going to try and get as many done as early as possible, but it is
    >> that a few of the visits will not execute until Sunday. BTW, due to a battery
    >> reconditioning that needs to be done (you can thank no SM4 for this) we will
    >> be able to execute any proposals from March 30 - April 1. Once that is done
    >> are going to get as many of the search visits done as quickly as possible.
    >> From what I understand, during GOODs the archive people were pretty good
    >> getting the data ready for Adam's team.
    >> You are correct that you will be working with me once the ToO is activated.
    >> Activating a ToO is relatively straight forward. Here is the link to the web
    >> page you will need to fill out to formally activate. It is important that
    >> be done as soon as you have an idea of what the target is, and what the visit
    >> structure will be like for the activated visits. If you do not fill out this
    >> page we will not execute the visits.
    >> http://www.stsci.edu/observing/too_request.html
    >> Once this is done just use APT to edit the visits being used in the ToO.
    >> we are using APT, you will need to send me the whole phase 2, not just the
    >> altered visits. It is important that you do not alter in any way visits,
    >> patterns, or targets that are either already on an SMS to execute, or have
    >> already executed. APT will not complain about it, but it will cause my
    >> to scream bloody murder and I will loose valuable time prepping the visits.
    >> BTW, you can send me the apt file a couple of ways, but the easiest is to
    >> attach the .apt file to an email. The other is to use the submit button in
    >> Once you send me the revised phase 2, I will prep the visit as quickly as I
    >> so they can be placed on the SMS that is being built that week. If I run into
    >> any troubles (the most likely is guide star problems) I will get in touch
    >> you to work them out. Usually, if nothing goes wrong, I can have the ToO
    >> that are going on that weeks SMS prepped in 3 - 4 hours.
    >> I know you updated your phase 2 to reflect the new BETWEENs, but I thought
    >> send along the version I have as well. If you have any further questions,
    >> let me know. BTW, if you have a really urgent question, my number is 410 338
    >> 4964.
    >> Bill
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >Hi Bill,
    >> >
    >> > Should we be concerned about whether the bulk of the
    >> >visits will occur in the early part of this interval?
    >> >We'll have little time to conduct the search and send you
    >> >follow-up observations if no data are taken before 3-4
    >> >April.
    >> >
    >> > Also, since I've not personally dealt with
    >> >activating ToO's before, I should discuss with you soon how
    >> >best to proceed once we've decided on which candidate to
    >> >follow. I know there is a procedure to do this via the web,
    >> >but I assume we'll work more directly with you on that,
    >> >correct?
    >> >
    >> >Rachel
    >> >
    >> >On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, William Januszewski wrote:
    >> >
    >> >> Hi Rachel,
    >> >>
    >> >> I made one additional change to visits 22 - 36 of proposal 9727.
    Specifying a
    >> >> between of April 1 - 4 means that it can actually only execute on April 1,
    >> >> and 3. Not April 4. I've opened up the between to be BETWEEN 01-APR-2004
    >> >> 05-APR-2004. This will allow the search visits to execute up until April
    >> >> 23:59 hrs UT, as was originally agreed on.
    >> >>
    >> >> Bill
    >> >>

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