From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Mon Jun 27 2005 - 07:26:22 PDT
Dear Chris,
thanks you very much for your comments,
I've implemented them all in the new draft available at
Please let me if there is something I missed or some additional
comments before submission.
On Jun 18, 2005, at 5:52 AM, Chris Lidman wrote:
> Hi Gabriele,
> I've read through the paper and I have 3 sets of comments. The first
> two concern
> the need to take into account the changes that were made to Isobel's
> recently
> submitted paper. The 3rd set concern grammar.
> I attach these comments. You might want to read Isobel's paper once
> more.
> Greg's point b) is important. EWs will scale as 1+z. Were the EWs
> in the paper
> corrected for z? If you deredshifted the spectra before computing the
> EWs, then
> this correction is not necessary.
> Regards, Chris.
> <comments_17062005_CLi.txt>
> On Jun 16, 2005, at 5:41 AM, Gabriele Garavini wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I've included all the latest comments from Greg in the new version of
>> the Evolution paper.
>> Please find the new draft at
>> I'll be waiting for the green light to submission.
>> Thank you all.
>> Cheers
>> Gabriele
>> On Jun 2, 2005, at 2:59 AM, Tony Spadafora wrote:
>>> Hi Gabriele,
>>> Greg has sent you the pdf of his marked up version. For the others
>>> on this e-mail, you can see it at :
>>> These seem to be helpful clarifications and language corrections -
>>> all of which will make for a better paper and shouldn't take long to
>>> implement. When you are making a revised version, please remove
>>> Rob's name from the author list. (the institution numbering is not
>>> affected.)
>>> When you have a finished version let us know. I'll then send out a
>>> note saying you'll submit it a few days later.
>>> -Tony
>> ========================================================
>> LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS University of Paris VI and Paris VII
>> 4 place Jussieu, Tour 33 - Rez de chaussee 75252 Paris Cedex 05 France
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>> ICQ: 148161845, AIM: gabrigaravini
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LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS University of Paris VI and Paris VII
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Phone: +33 1 44 27 41 54, e-mail:
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