Re: evolution paper

From: Chris Lidman (
Date: Fri Jun 17 2005 - 20:52:50 PDT

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: evolution paper"

    Hi Gabriele,
      I've read through the paper and I have 3 sets of comments. The first
    two concern
    the need to take into account the changes that were made to Isobel's
    submitted paper. The 3rd set concern grammar.

       I attach these comments. You might want to read Isobel's paper once

        Greg's point b) is important. EWs will scale as 1+z. Were the EWs in
    the paper
    corrected for z? If you deredshifted the spectra before computing the
    EWs, then
    this correction is not necessary.

    Regards, Chris.

    On Jun 16, 2005, at 5:41 AM, Gabriele Garavini wrote:

    > Dear All,
    > I've included all the latest comments from Greg in the new version of
    > the Evolution paper.
    > Please find the new draft at
    > I'll be waiting for the green light to submission.
    > Thank you all.
    > Cheers
    > Gabriele
    > On Jun 2, 2005, at 2:59 AM, Tony Spadafora wrote:
    >> Hi Gabriele,
    >> Greg has sent you the pdf of his marked up version. For the others on
    >> this e-mail, you can see it at :
    >> These seem to be helpful clarifications and language corrections -
    >> all of which will make for a better paper and shouldn't take long to
    >> implement. When you are making a revised version, please remove
    >> Rob's name from the author list. (the institution numbering is not
    >> affected.)
    >> When you have a finished version let us know. I'll then send out a
    >> note saying you'll submit it a few days later.
    >> -Tony
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