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From: Greg Aldering (
Date: Wed Jun 01 2005 - 17:06:48 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: evolution paper"

    Hi Gabriele,

    On the flight back from Paris I read your evolution paper. Attached is
    PDF of the scanned marked-up paper. I didn't see any fundamental
    but as you will see there are a few things which I think should be

    A few high-level items:

      a) In places where you say you don't find evidence for X you should
         also provide some indication of how sensitive your test is to X.
         This shouldn't be much of a problem, since you have some reasonable
         level of sensitivity for many of the measurements.

      b) I know that equivalent widths for monochromatic emission
         lines require a correction of (1+z) in going from observer frame to
         restframe. Since these features are not monochromatic I guess they
         don't need this correction so you can ignore my comment about

      c) In figure 2 I noticed that SN2005fd is much redder than the other
         SNe - is that correct and do you understand why?

      d) When you say that higher redshift SN should exist in lower
         metallicity environments, you are repeating a common misperception.
         While this may be roughly true for the ensemble of SNe, for
         any given SN this can't be said. Moreover, over the redshift
         interval these data explore, the effect is should be quite small for
         most SN since most star formation occured at z > 1. I have uggested
         that you rephrase this to indicate that some high redshift SN might
         be in lower-metallicity environments.



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