Re: Eq. width paper - new draft

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Wed Oct 08 2003 - 10:29:23 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: Eq. width paper - new draft"

    Hi Chris, Gaston,

    I don't think we have a quorum for a conference call on Friday.
    Ariel, Isobel, and Greg can't make it. Lifan wants to read the new draft
    and send comments by e-mail; Greg will try to send comments next week
    (he will be in Hawaii). That leaves just you two (I won't get to it
    myself by Friday so can't add anything).

    I'd suggest we proceed for now via e-mail and after the next round of
    comments and try for a call if necessary. In the mean time people should
    continue to send comments to archived at
    nb to all - see Chris's latest comments there and check Gaston's page at


    Chris Lidman wrote:
    > Hi Tony,
    > I am back in my home timezone.
    > Cheers, Chris.
    > On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 13:21, Tony Spadafora wrote:
    > > If we do this on Friday, will Isobel and Chris be in their home
    > > timezones?
    > >
    > > If so, we could do
    > > Fri Oct 10 8:30 LBL/11:30 chile/16:30 UK/17:30 Sweden
    > >
    > > or if people prefer,
    > > Mon Oct 13 8:30 LBL/12:30 chile/16:30 UK/17:30 Sweden
    > > (Chile starts summer time)
    > >
    > > If Isobel will still be in Hawaii, please suggest a time.
    > >
    > > -Tony
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > Gaston Folatelli wrote:
    > > >
    > > > Dear collaborators,
    > > >
    > > > I'd like to tell you that I am available --and willing-- to have a
    > > > conference meeting on Friday, as suggested by Chris. If that's not
    > > > possible for all of you, any other day is basically the same for me. The
    > > > sooner, the better.
    > > >
    > > > Cheers,
    > > > -GastÃ3n

    Tony Spadafora                       
    Physics Division                              Tel: (510) 495-2316 
    Lawrence Berkeley National Lab                FAX: (510) 486-6738 
    1 Cyclotron Road BLDG 50R5032
    Berkeley, CA 94720-8160

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