
From: Don Groom (
Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 14:46:20 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Submitted HST paper draft online"

    Quit now if you are not using/not planning to use snmin02 (snminuit) for
    fitting lightcurves or its output for cosmology. This pertains mostly to
    Brian, Gerson, Rob, Alex C, and possibly Ariel and Greg.

    Historically, somebody else (Gerson + Alex Kim + ??) added the output file
    snformat_'+sn+'.results' to transmit data to cosmology fits. It grew
    rather haphazardly, out of order, etc. Recently Brian pointed out there
    was a format problem (no space between a couple of numbers), and in truth
    I had paid little attention to this file in the upgrade.

    The file is now named snmin02_+sn+.ncolors.snformat to make it easier to
    find. ncolors is the number of colors.

    The old file is not only a mess and contains useless crap, but is also
    inappropriate for a multicolor lightcurve fit. With Brian's formatting
    problem fixed, an example for a 4-color fit is attached.

    7 of the entries are the same for all colors.

    Columns for errors in the kcorr (?) and M_zero are included in SNe.dat,
    but so far as I know nobody has filled them in for the past n years.
    These are outputted as 0's in snformat, so I am put out.

    The file conveys no information about the colors being fitted or in what
    order. It contains no information about what was fixed and what varied.

    So: I need suggestions. There could be a first line with the
    everybody- data, the parameters could be in a more logical order. I have
    long bitched that the stretch-M correlation is not passed on to the
    cosmology fits.

    Maybe those of you who are working on cosmology fits could tell me what
    you want. I'll leave it as is for now, and Brian can proceed with the
    repaired format.

    Brian, it's just lines 1094-1108 (but that could change) in
    /home/sierra1/deg/idl/SCPfits02/; why don't you just take them?
    Notice that the order etc has changed, and that dof is not appropriate to
    just one lightcurve when everything is being shock at once.


    Don Groom (Particle Data Group, Supernova Cosmology Project)
    DEGroom(at) Voice: 510/486-6788 FAX: 510/486-4799
    Analog: 50-308//Berkeley Lab//Berkeley, CA 94720

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