Re: Cross-telescope CFHT candidates

From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 13:53:51 PDT

  • Next message: Saul Perlmutter: "Re: S02-002 with ISSAC"

    > Can you get rid of the junk names, or at least start them at 100? We
    > are repeating names from last year. For example we have a real SN named
    > junk 15 from last year (see the spectroscopy web page), and below I see
    > we have a new candidate also named junk 15. This is very confusing.

    Sorry. I probably used a dash or something last year-- the names aren't
    identical, or the software wouldn't have let us use it. This one will
    probably get thrown out, so it won't be an issue. Focus on the C00-xxx
    name; that's safer.


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