Subaru Suprime-Cam search status Apr.8 early half

From: Mamoru Doi (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 03:38:20 PDT


Here is a status report for the early half night of
Suprime-Cam search on Apr.8.

We started from very cloudy and windy weather in the evening.
High clouds mostly went away at about 20:00.
But there has been a big lenticular cloud toward
east direction which blocked SDF and SS. The cloud
is a local one.
We took some cluster images for support scientist et al.,
for a while, since that target was at about zenith which was
relatively clear (There were no target of us toward zenith).

We started taking SDFn in Rc (8minx5) from 21:45 since the
elevation of SDF becomes slightly higher than the lenticular
cloud. The cloud grew up and the elevation we could observe
changed from 45deg to 60deg during the observations. But
images look usable. The image size was 0.7-0.8arcsec.

At 22:45 we started exposures of SDFe in i' (6minx9), since
SS1-4 was still blocked by the cloud. The image size was

At 24:10 we have started the first esposure for SN search this month.
The elevation of SS1 is almost 70deg, and out of
the lenticular cloud. We will observe SS1 in i' (6minx8).
The image size of the first frame was 0.55arcsec.

summary of exposures Apr.8 first half
A663 i' 4minx8 0.7-0.8arcsec
     Rc 5minx5 0.7-0.8arcsec
SDFn Rc 8minx5 0.7-0.8arcsec
SDFe i' 6minx9 0.6-0.7arcsec
SS1 i' started...



Mamoru Doi
Institute of Astronomy
School of Science
Univ. of Tokyo
voice +81-422-34-5084
fax. +81-422-34-5041

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