Re: PAPER on 99ac

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2005 - 09:58:41 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: PAPER on 99ac"

    Hi Gabriele,
        Let's see-- I'm still trying to make sense of this sentence about
    optical depth (the problem is that "according to e-folding velocity"
    doesn't really mean what I think you might mean). Is the following
    version correct? And if so, what goes in the space where I wrote [????]?

    "Optical depth scales exponentially with velocity, $tau \propto e^{-v_e}$, where $v_{e}$
    is defined as [????] and cannot exceed a maximum velocity given by

    After we finish up with this sentence, and if everything else looks
    right to you, then send the paper to Tony to post it on the collab web
    page, and he'll send out the request to the collaboration for them to
    read it (I'll talk to the scpexec tomorrow).
    Good work! --Saul

    Gabriele Garavini wrote:

    >Dear Saul,
    >I have read your corrections and they all make sense to me.
    >For the answers to your questions please keep reading:
    >>Optical depth scales exponentially with velocity
    >>***What does this phrase mean?: [[[according
    >>to an $e$-folding velocity]]]*** up to a maximum velocity given by
    >now reads:
    >"Optical depth scales exponentially with velocity according
    >to $e$-folding velocity, $v_{e}$, up to a maximum velocity given by
    >This means just that tau is proportional to exp(-v_e).
    >>improve the agreement. [[[***This is puzzling: Why does extinction
    >>strongly affect either of these measurements???***]]]
    >The whole sentence has been removed now. It was a residual of a previous
    >version of the plot that was showing Mag vs R(SiII). In that case,
    >of course, the magnitude was affected by extinction. In the
    >current version with delta_m_15 the effect of extinction is negligible
    >even if not zero (extinction depends on time).
    >My plan for the next few days is to read trough the paper carefully once
    >more and to make it available for the next step of the internal review,
    >that I believe should be to open it to the collaboration.
    > Thank very much you.
    > Cheers

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