Re: PAPER on 99ac

From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2005 - 02:35:51 PST

  • Next message: "Re: PAPER on 99ac"

    Hi Saul,

    I think the exact formula is the following:


    tau is then set to zero for v > v_max

    tau_vmin, v_min, v_e, v_max are input parameters.

    I would state this in the following manner:

    The parameters $v_{phot}$ and $T_{bb}$ set the velocity and blackbody
    continuum temperature of the photosphere, respectively. For each ion,
    optical depth $\tau$ at the minimum ejection velocity $v_{min}$ is
    specified. Optical depth scales exponentially with velocity according
    to the $e$-folding velocity parameter $v_{e}$, and is considered to be
    zero for velocity greater than $v_{max}$. If $v_{min} > v_{phot}$ for
    an ion, we refer to the ion as ``detached.''

    I will send the new draft to Tony later today.


    On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Saul Perlmutter wrote:

    > Hi Gabriele,
    > Let's see-- I'm still trying to make sense of this sentence about
    > optical depth (the problem is that "according to e-folding velocity"
    > doesn't really mean what I think you might mean). Is the following
    > version correct? And if so, what goes in the space where I wrote [????]?
    > "Optical depth scales exponentially with velocity, $tau \propto e^{-v_e}$, where $v_{e}$
    > is defined as [????] and cannot exceed a maximum velocity given by
    > $v_{max}$."
    > After we finish up with this sentence, and if everything else looks
    > right to you, then send the paper to Tony to post it on the collab web
    > page, and he'll send out the request to the collaboration for them to
    > read it (I'll talk to the scpexec tomorrow).
    > Good work! --Saul
    > Gabriele Garavini wrote:
    > >Dear Saul,
    > >
    > >I have read your corrections and they all make sense to me.
    > >For the answers to your questions please keep reading:
    > >
    > >______________________________________________________________________
    > >
    > >
    > >>Optical depth scales exponentially with velocity
    > >>***What does this phrase mean?: [[[according
    > >>to an $e$-folding velocity]]]*** up to a maximum velocity given by
    > >>
    > >>
    > >$v_{max}$.
    > >
    > >now reads:
    > >"Optical depth scales exponentially with velocity according
    > >to $e$-folding velocity, $v_{e}$, up to a maximum velocity given by
    > >$v_{max}$."
    > >
    > >This means just that tau is proportional to exp(-v_e).
    > >
    > >_______________________________________________________
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >>improve the agreement. [[[***This is puzzling: Why does extinction
    > >>strongly affect either of these measurements???***]]]
    > >>
    > >>
    > >
    > >The whole sentence has been removed now. It was a residual of a previous
    > >version of the plot that was showing Mag vs R(SiII). In that case,
    > >of course, the magnitude was affected by extinction. In the
    > >current version with delta_m_15 the effect of extinction is negligible
    > >even if not zero (extinction depends on time).
    > >
    > >________________________________________________________________
    > >
    > >
    > >My plan for the next few days is to read trough the paper carefully once
    > >more and to make it available for the next step of the internal review,
    > >that I believe should be to open it to the collaboration.
    > >
    > >
    > > Thank very much you.
    > > Cheers
    > >Gabriele
    > >
    > >

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