Re: SN 1999Q

From: Rahman Amanullah (
Date: Mon Nov 01 2004 - 02:19:52 PST

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: SN 1999Q"

    On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Chris Lidman wrote:

    > I have a request for you. I have reduced the SOFI IR data on SN 1999Q,
    > an unusual SN from the Reiss et al. 2000 paper. I'm finding that this SN
    > is much brighter than that published by Reiss et al. Can I ask you to do
    > an independent measurement of the magnitude.

    Hello Chris, I am not quite sure how you wanted us to check this, but we
    have done a PSF fit to the image that you provided, and we measure the
    magnitude to be about J = 22.62 +/- 0.13. This, assuming that exposure
    time and everything else is included in the zero point that you gave us.
    Subtracting the fitted PSF gives a very clean subtraction.


      Rahman & Vallery

    Rahman Amanullah, +46 8 553 786 61
    Stockholm University ICQ: 62860758
    Stockholm Centre for Physics, 17d 50m E
    Astronomy & Biotechnology 59d 26m N


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