Re: PDF markup of July 21st draft

From: Vitaliy Fadeyev (
Date: Tue Oct 05 2004 - 17:54:41 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: come comments on sn1999Q"

    Hi Serena,

    >the extinction given by SNminuit is ~ 0.02 +-0.05 in the case
    >tmax is not constrained, and not 0.095 as you say. Am I missing a more
    >recent result?
    No, you are correct, that was the latest.

    >Since fitting the tmax as a free parameter or not, changes our estimate of
    >the color excess for this SN, we need to understand better what we trust
    >best. How reliable is the extinction estimate given by SNminuit? What
    >intrinsic B-V color is assumed by the code for calculating the extinction?
    SNminuit gives one the color, not the extinction. The extinction is then
    on the basis of the the comparison of the measured color and assumed
    unextincted color.
    The latter is a result of Rob's stretch- and time- dependent

    Are you asking about assumed unextincted B-V color at B max, the
    measured color
    at max, or else?

    >Moreover, 7 days difference between our fit and Tonry's on tmax seem
    >unreasonably too large a discrepancy. If this is due to what
    >lightcurve template we are using for fitting the data, I am very surprised
    >we get the same cosmology results as the other team does.
    I would think that the cosmology results are fairly insensetive to the
    exact shape,
    as long as the same shape is applied to both nearby and high-redshift


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