I band paper

From: Chris Lidman (clidman@eso.org)
Date: Fri Jul 16 2004 - 17:06:41 PDT

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: I band paper"

    Hi Serena,

      Thank you for the new version of the paper. I am sorry that it has
    taken so long for me to get back to you, but I went to Paranal the day
    after the new version arrived and I just got back yesterday.

      I understand that you are not coming to the SCP meeting. That is
    a pity. It would have good to share a few beers with you, Gabriele and

      Before I go into the paper, are the new spectral templates available.
    I'd like to use it for computing k-corrections for some z>1 SNe that
    we have observed with ISAAC.

      Now, to the paper.

      One thing that I'd like to avoid a bit in the paper is the tendency
    to highlight inadequacies in the research of the "other" group. I know
    that they often criticize aspects of our work, but I do not want to
    see us sink to the same level. I'll try to point out the parts of
    the text where I think we have been too negative.


    - There is some more recent work on using low-z clusters to constrain
    Omega_M. See Schuecker et al. A\&A, 398, 867.

    Caption to Table 1

    - Although it is generally true that I_1 = I_max, it might not
    always be true. If t_2-t_1 is less that the rise time of the template,
    then part of the second template will contribute to the light curve
    at maximum light. You should qualify the last sentence.

    Section 2.1

    In the last sentence of this section, it is not clear who thinks the
    uncertainty of the Leibundgut is 0.06 magnitudes. Perhaps this sentence
    can be stated more clearly.

    We take this as an estimate of the measurement uncertainty in data
    of Liebundgut et al. (1993) as no errors are reported in that work.

    Section 2.2

    In the second last paragraph

    "The uncertainties for this supernova may be underestimated."

    I find this to be too vague. It might be true, but do you have any
    evidence other than the poor fit that this is true. Otherwise, it
    would be better to leave this sentence out. It might be that the
    template is a poor description for the light curve of this
    supernova. Indeed, the latter is more likely to be true because the
    fit to the early and late parts of the light curve (figure 1.)
    clearly show a systematic trend. Compare the rising part of 94D with
    the rising part in 94ae, 95bd, 92bo, 92bc, etc. Compare the tail 94D
    with the tail of 94M.

    Figure 5.

    Just a comment. In this plot I would argue that we see a break. For SNe
    with s_B < 0.9, there is a clear relationship between M_sec and s_B.
    For SNe with larger stretch, there is no relationship. I think that it
    would worth pointing this out in the paper.

    Section 3.

    For my own benefit, geometrically means

    (sigma_intrinsic)^2 = (sigma_total)^2 - (sigma_measured),


    Section 4.1.

    I think we can improve the discussion on the cross filter k-corrections.
    There has been quite a bit of work on trying to relate the IR and
    optical photometric systems and we can say that the we know the
    to 2%. I attach an e-mail which I had sent out on May 16th. The
    most important part of the e-mail is that we need to add an extra term
    to the IR to optical k-correction which accounts for the small
    in IR and optical systems. The text should be changed to reflect this.

    Section 4.2

    How different are the J to I k corrections for 99ff between the Serena
    mark I and Serena mark II templates?

    For 99ff and 99Q, I'd like us to come up with a more diplomatic
    way of stating that the other group are wrong.

    For 99ff, simply drop the sentences starting with "We found differences
    ..." and ending with "...communication." You can also drop the section
    saying that the I-band magnitudes have been adjusted, since I presume
    this will now be absorbed in the k-correction as described below.

    For 99Q, say that "The mean difference was found to be xx magnitudes
    than quoting the maximum magnitude difference."

    Fit to the high z SNe.

    The following is not in the paper and it is something that we do not
    have to add, but it is something that should be done at some stage.

    The high redshift SNe are poorly sampled in time. We have explored the
    systematics of how photometric errors might affect the
    fits for both the high and low z SNe, but we have explored the
    systematics caused by poor sampling.

    Section 5.

    Second last paragraph. I do not believe this to be true any longer. The
    entire paragraph should be removed.

    Section 6

    For the R_V = 4.5, you mention that the ellipses would only move by 0.03
    0,04 magnitudes in E(B-V) and E(B-I). Can you please check this.

    In the next paragraph you mention that R_V=4.5 is disfavored at the 90%
    confidence level and that something, presumably R_V=9.5 is disfavored
    at the 97% level.

    Figure 13

    Could you also double check figure 13. It surprises me that there
    is so little difference between the R_V=4.5 and R_V=9.5 models.
    I would have expected the R_V models (dotted line) to be much closer
    to the solid line. Have you used the formulas in Cardelli, Clayton and
    Mathis ApJ 345, 245? The formulas are very involved (see table 3 and
    equations 2a to 3b). I imagine that the calculation for SNe at z~0.5
    must be very complex because one has to take into account the redshift.
    Dust at low redshift will have a relatively low effect when compared
    to the same dust at high redshift because the spectra are already

    Figure 14.

    I think that you should avoid using E(B-V) as the vertical axis as the
    reader might take it that dust is the cause for the spread in
    SNe colours. I think \Delta(B-V) = (B-V)_SN - (B-V)_local may be


    In the last sentence, remove the sentence

    SN 99ff and SN 99Q

    In the revised version, 99Q is even more of an outlier? 99ff is less
    problematic, but there are only two data points in the light
    curve. Since these SNe were not observed with by the SCP, do we want
    to keep them in the paper, or do we keep just 99ff.

    I am not advocating that we remove them, but I think it is something
    we should openly discuss. From might point of view, here are the

    The negatives of 99Q and 99ff

    - We are relying on the photometry of the other group.

    - We find significant differences in the k-correction

    - We've already excluded one their SNe because we it was probably
    heavily reddened.

    - For 99ff, there are only two points in the light curve.

    - I have not see a spectrum of 99Q. It is faint and the second maximum
    is not convincing. If it were not for the B-band stretch, one could
    argue that it is an sub-luminous SNe, both from the I-band maximum and
    lack of a second maximum.

    The positives about Beethoven

    - The Beethoven observations are more precise as we know the Js filter
    curve very precisely (I measured it myself).

    - We measured all aspects of this SNe.

    Overall, I do not think we should put these two SNe in the paper
    unless we are comfortable with the work that has been done by the
    other group, and, quite frankly, I do not feel at ease with their
    work. I do not think that we would weaken the paper if these 2 SNe
    were excluded; however, the last couple of sections in the paper
    would be considerably shorter.

    Cheers, Chris.

    IR to Optical k-corrections

    The cross filter k-correction is defined in Kim, Goobar and Perlmutter
    (1996) and is applied to apparent magnitudes according to

    m_y = m_x + K_xy(z)

    where x and y are different filters.

    Let's assume that z=0 and that Z=F. Let's further assume that we are
    the Kurucz model for Vega. In this case K_xy(0) = 0 and, hence,

    m_y = m_x

    However this is not true for Vega for all x and y (i.e. all filters)

    m_V=0.026 +/- 0.008 (Bohlin and Gilliland, 2004)
    m_I=0.031 +/- 0.009 (Bessell, Castelli and Plez, 1998)

    m_J=-0.001 +/ -0.005 (Cohen, Wheaton and Megeath, 2003)

    where J is on the 2MASS system.

    If we set x to I and y to J

    Hence m_J=m_I-0.032.

    or m_I - m_J = 0.032 = -K_IJ

    I propose that we add an extra term to the cross filter k-correction as
    defined by Alex which reflects the colours of Vega. Note that Alex's
    definition is completely correct for an object in which all colours are

    The new k correction is then

    K'_xy(z) = K_xy(z) - (x-y),

    where (x-y) is the colour of Vega and K_xy(z) is the k-correction
    defined by Alex.

    For the I band paper, we added this correction to the J band
    photometry. I think we should change this by changing the way we do
    the k-correction, as I have described above.

    Apart from the uncertainties described here, there is a systematic
    uncertainty in how well the Kurucz spectrum represents Vega. Bohlin
    and Gilliland quote an uncertainty of 2% from optical to IR
    wavelengths. We should add this systematic uncertainty to all IR to
    optical K corrections.

    Bessell, M. S., Castelli, F. and Plez, B. 1998, AA, 333, 231
    Bohlin, R. C. and Gilliland R. L. 2004, astro-ph/0403712
    Cohen, M., Wheaton, WM. A. and Megeath, AJ, 2003, 126,1090
    Kim, A, Goobar, A, and Perlmutter, S. 1996, PASP, 108, 190

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