Re: new version of the I-band paper

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Thu Jul 08 2004 - 05:08:10 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "I band paper"

    Dear all,

    I have added a short note with discussion and plots in the web page, in
    order to clarify some of the changes occurred in the new version of the paper.
    Please, find it at:



    On Fri, 2 Jul 2004, Serena Nobili wrote:

    > Hi Rob (and SCPexec),
    > I am glad to announce that I have finally finished with the re-analysis. I
    > have posted the new version of the paper (Jul02) in the usual web page:
    > As you know I have redone the analysis completely, using the improved
    > templates. The changes are not much on the Hubble diagram (I get about the
    > same dispersion as before). Some changes are in the gray dust analysis, as
    > I get somewhat higher confidence level for the gray dust test, but I
    > decided not to push too much the discussion in that sense, since the
    > systematic uncertainties are not completely under control, and I don't
    > consider very "scientific" to base a statistical analysis on 3 data only.
    > I hope you will enjoy it!
    > Cheers,
    > Serena

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