Re: new spectral templates: update and problems

From: Peter Nugent (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 07:09:11 PDT

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: new spectral templates: update and problems"

    > Do you have any suggestions?

    Hi Serena,

    Yes, I do not use that code anymore for modifying the templates. I think
    it won't work because the spectra are different sizes now (they run from
    0.1 - 2.5 instead of 0.25 - 1.0 microns with the same 10ang spacing). I
    adopted a more general technique along the lines of the splines that Rob
    talked about before, which also includes several arbitrary UV filters to
    keep that region in check.

    This simplest way you could use the previous version is to hack the new
    template to the same length as the one before.



    Peter E. Nugent
    Staff Computational Scientist - Scientific Computing Group - NERSC
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    M.S. 50F-1650 - 1 Cyclotron Road - Berkeley, CA, 94720-8139
    Phone:(510) 486-6942 - Fax:(510) 486-5812
    E-mail: - Web:

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