new spectral templates: update and problems

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 03:37:36 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Nugent: "Re: new spectral templates: update and problems"

    Dear Peter (Cc. scpexec),

    in the past weeks, I have been re-computing the colors of the nearby
    sample by Hamuy and Riess using your new version of the templates. The
    estimates of colors depend on the template used for computing the
    k-corrections, and if they were "wrong" in the I-band region at the time
    of the work done for the Nobili et al. 2003, the color estimated there are
    probably "wrong" too. I have done this and tried to plug the "new" colors
    into your code to modify the new templates. However, when getting to
    correct the template at day -3 it gets into a loop (there is a goto into
    a if statement, which is never satisfied at line 212 of color_fix.f) and
    never gets out of it. I am trying to check you code for bugs, but I would
    like to ask you whether you have already spotted this before.

    Also, now that I am looking more closely at your code, I see that there is
    a function computing the reddening (redden2.f) that is in turn used to
    modify the template. I recall you saying at the last teleconf that you
    are not using the Cardelli law for modifying the spectral templates (I am
    sorry if I misunderstood this point), so maybe I am using a too old
    version of your code, which you sent me in September 2002. Is this the
    case? Do you have any idea of the reason why this is not running on the
    new version of the template? Note that the code runs without problems if I
    use the new colors on the old template. Note also that I don't see any
    special problem with the template at day -3.
    Do you have any suggestions?


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