Re: Serena's template

From: Lifan Wang (
Date: Sun Mar 28 2004 - 16:37:54 PST

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: Serena's template"

    Hi, Chris,

            As I said in my previous email, I scaled the OBSERVED spectra
    by a CONSTANT to show how those compare with your template. I do not
    believe the observations can be systematically wrong (redder than) the

            In calculating the K-correction, all the spectra are
    redshifted and scaled so that they have EXACTLY the OBSERVED color. My
    calculations are based on colors only, and dates are not really a
    primary parameter in the calculation. I ONLY used 94D to convert my
    K-corrections to dates to make those plots.

            I do not believe R-I can be anywhere close to -0.4 at optical
    maximum of a normal SN Ia. My light curve fits show most of the SNe
    with z
    < 0.005 show -0.24 at B-max. R-I = -0.4 is beyond reasonable physics.

            I am overwhelmed by some other issues, but am indeed preparing
    some better figures to explain the difference.



    On Sun, 28 Mar 2004, Chris Lidman wrote:

    > Dear All,
    > I've had a closer look at the comparison that Lifan sent us a few
    > days ago. For reference, I
    > attach the plots that he sent us last week.
    > If one looks carefully at the R- and I-band regions, then the
    > derived R-I colours must be
    > grossly different and it seems to me that it is the colour and less so
    > the features that is
    > the driving reason behind the difference in the k-corrections at
    > maximum light.
          The template is just one "SN" in my calculation, and I have found
    that it is unlikely to be an "SN" that resembles the other ones.

    > Lifan, how does your R-I colour compare with those published in
    > Nobili et al. 2003, AA,
    > 404, 910? At max, Serena finds R-I ~ -0.4 (this is from fig. 7 in
    > Serena's 03 paper). The
    > spectra you present are considerably redder.
    > The opposite is true for V-R. The spectra you sent us are
    > considerably bluer than Serena's
    > template. Serena's V-R colour is ~ 0.0 (again, this is from fig 7. in
    > Serena's paper).
            My V-R color is around 0.0.

    > Cheers, Chris.

    Lifan Wang           (510) 495 2733 (o)   (510) 704 0119 (h)

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