Re: Some text for the paper

From: Chris Lidman (
Date: Sun Mar 28 2004 - 06:17:09 PST

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Serena's template"

    Hi Rob,

    "Robert A. Knop Jr." wrote:

    > On Sat, Mar 27, 2004 at 11:46:11PM -0400, Chris Lidman wrote:
    >> The 0.1 magnitudes comes from Lifan's analysis of ~500 spectra - no
    >> don't jump! I am assuming that Lifan got this part of the analysis
    >> correct. The 0.05 magnitudes we had used before came from comparing a
    >> much smaller number of spectra, basically yours and Rob's. I feel that
    >> the 0.1 magnidues estimated by Lifan is more secure estimate of the
    >> scatter.
    > Did Lifan give that scatter, or is that based on an offset between
    > Lifan
    > and what Serena did?

    The scatter is not based on the offset between Serena's and Lifan's
    but on the 1 sigma bounds given in Lifan's plots.

    > Before I'd trust this at all, I'd want to know more about Lifan's
    > analysis.

    Agreed. It would be very useful if Lifan could write a technical
    report. The information
    has been coming out in drips and drabs and this is not satisfactory.

    Cheers, Chris.

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