Re: Some text for the paper

From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (
Date: Sat Mar 27 2004 - 20:55:29 PST

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: Some text for the paper"

    > spectrum to correct its spectrum on that day. So he says that he
    > gets
    > the/ same/ /color /when he synthetically integrates over the R or I
    > band
    > for Rob's template or Serena's template or for the particular SN he is
    > working with (and he repeats this for a large number of different
    > supernova's spectra for the same epoch), but he get's /different K
    > corrections/. If this is right it would presumably be because the
    > excess signal in the uberspectrum is adding equally to the R and to the
    > I band so that the color stays the same, but the K correction sees the
    > excess signal.

    I have a hard time rectifing this with the plots that he sent, where
    there's a very clear difference in the continuum slopes for his spectra
    and the template spectra, even when that absorption feature is small.


    --Prof. Robert Knop
       Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

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