Re: notes on the Iband phone conference

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 09:09:23 PST

  • Next message: Vitaliy Fadeyev: "a note on sn1999Q"

    Dear Vitaliy,

    I am sorry I forgot to mention these two points.
    For the first one, i.e. the fit of the rise curve, I hope I will have time
    to try something once the writing for the thesis is over. For the second
    point, i.e. the correlation between the parameters fitted, I know the
    procedure I am using can compute them, unfortunately I don't have them
    saved anywhere. I will run the whole fitting procedure once more and save
    this information.


    On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 wrote:

    >Dear Serena,
    >there is one other thing discussed at the meeting,
    >which is not on your list. If I remember correctly,
    >the idea was to try another template to fit the rise
    >curve better. The potential implications include
    >the maximum magnitude adjustment and the time
    >of the maximium shifts. If you can show that
    >difference is "small", then it would be a good
    >thing to state, to safeguard against potential
    >I would also be happy to see the degree of fit parameter correlations,
    >either from the parameter covariance matrix (if your procedure can show
    >that), or from Monte Carlo. The correlations you see are a very strong
    >result of your paper, and it would be good to check that the fitting
    >procedure does not cause them in a substantial way.


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